Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Big Brother 2007 Day Three

The rooster alarm clock surprises me; they're already tending to animals? The role seems unofficially assigned so far. The HMs are quick to start fitness routines on only their second day in the house.

Jamie's got the same complaint of many past housemates, feeling concerned because he's the loud one in his group but overwhelmed in the house. Travis sounds a lot like Frizie from a couple of years ago.

Hayley's trying to throw everyone off her scent convincing a couple of the guys that she doesn't connect with him and that she thinks he might be gay.

Thomas is being presented as a rival (he's pretty but very lanky) until an actual rival comes in. When Billy walks in Hayley freaks out but tries to hide it (not very well from the cameras though). Andrew asks him a lot of questions but that could be clever editing.

Billy has to wish her goodnight and the camera shows a not impressed reaction from Andrew which could also be good editing. Hayley can't talk about the fact she knows either guy to anyone but Big Brother and currently it looks like she might fail on that.

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