Monday, April 30, 2007

Big Brother 2007 Day Nine

The Housemates watch as Cruz goes for the money on offer and leaves the white room. Demet has a very hysterical reaction, almost a parody of an upset housemate. Cruz is taken to the rewards room where the windows reveal the other housemates for a glimpse and a wave.

Hayley's two relationships are revealed to the house to lots of cheering and surprise. TJ gets a bit upset at an offhand comment from Hayley that becomes a misunderstanding, but it's wrapped up quickly and Hayley and Thomas go to bed together.

Kate and one of the blond girls (I'm still a bit confused by them all) catch TJ hiding stuff in the kitchen late in the night.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Big Brother 2007 Day Eight

Emma and Aleisha have gone into the rewards room. They learnt that the new prize is that the housemates in the rewards room can discuss nominations. The girls are getting annoyed by the way Thomas is flirting and he's attacked on it causing a bit of an argument. TJ has also managed to scare the others who don't want to get on her bad side.

The weekly tasks are assigned and this leads to Emma and Kate fighting. Kate really annoys me in the way she thinks she's so much better than everyone else. Big Brother actually tells her off for threatening violence towards Emma. She gets a warning and the threat of early eviction. Kate tells Hayley she's hating it in the house. She could very well be the earliest out.

Hayley and Andrew head into the diary room together for a chance to talk honestly, kiss and hold each other, and not worry about someone walking in on them.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Big Brother 2007 Day Seven

The first Friday Night Games has a Gladiator theme. An obstacle course that ended with the eating of a raw egg. The guys had to wear a false bottom for unknown reasons, other than the pun (gluteus maximus). Bodie had the most impressive attempt jumping his way through. The next rounds include various housemates spinning a wheel (by running around in circles) and then having to traverse a beam, riding a mechanical bull dressed up as a lion, and traverse a path blindfolded. The final task takes place in the air on suspended beams and Emma is the overall victor.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Big Brother 2007 Day Six

TJ, self proclaiming herself as the alpha female, is going after Thomas but although she's calling him a game player, she's the one playing games with him. She's clearly upset her advances were over and is now bitching with Katie that he's as feminine as a man can get without being gay.

Katie's not winning me over as she sits in the diary room and complains that the rest of the housemates are immature and unintelligent. She thinks the boys are controlled by their hormones and they don't have a clue what a real woman is. This translates to none of the guys like me.

Thomas tells Hayley that he thinks she and Andrew would get along. Hayley has to keep a poker face. Bodie is onto it though thinking that Hayley and Andrew are the couple realising correctly that Hayley is trying to throw the HMs off the scent.

Andrew and Billy have a bit of a late night chat in the backyard and Hayley has a cry in the diary room. The preview says this story should be wrapped up this weekend and the unscripted drama can continue.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Big Brother 2007 Day Five

Andrew and Hayley still a few kisses today while the other housemates are out in the room. I'm surprised they lasted this long to do that, but it's risky. If they keep it up someone is sure to stumble across them.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Big Brother 2007 Day Four

Billy's new task is to become Hayley's best friend. Everything he does for himself, he has to do for her as well. Shameless Big Brother. He gets her glasses of water, give her flowers, takes her out to pick herbs.

Hayley and Andrew finally have some time alone in the chill out room. Andrew seems to be more jealous of Thomas than Billy, which is interesting given Billy's actions all day that have not gone unnoticed. It's tough on both of them but it makes me think the producers have set this up to guarantee there's drama in the house. The problem is it overshadows the real drama.

Jamie is up early working out before everyone else is up, possibly feeling some body pressure from the looks of the other "reflects all walks of life" housemates. Rebecca feels out of it too and is relating well to Jamie, both feeling unacknowledged and sitting apart snarking about the other housemates.

Emma doesn't know who this Foghorn Leghorn that Bodie speaks of is. Is that a generation thing or a blond thing?

Early this morning the HMs are woken for a dawn service. I can't recall if the housemates have been in the house on an ANZAC Day before. Usually the show starts in May.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Big Brother 2007 Day Three

The rooster alarm clock surprises me; they're already tending to animals? The role seems unofficially assigned so far. The HMs are quick to start fitness routines on only their second day in the house.

Jamie's got the same complaint of many past housemates, feeling concerned because he's the loud one in his group but overwhelmed in the house. Travis sounds a lot like Frizie from a couple of years ago.

Hayley's trying to throw everyone off her scent convincing a couple of the guys that she doesn't connect with him and that she thinks he might be gay.

Thomas is being presented as a rival (he's pretty but very lanky) until an actual rival comes in. When Billy walks in Hayley freaks out but tries to hide it (not very well from the cameras though). Andrew asks him a lot of questions but that could be clever editing.

Billy has to wish her goodnight and the camera shows a not impressed reaction from Andrew which could also be good editing. Hayley can't talk about the fact she knows either guy to anyone but Big Brother and currently it looks like she might fail on that.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Big Brother 2007 Day Two

Andrew and Hayley are a pre-existing couple, together for a year exactly before going in. They have to remain undetected to stay in the house as a couple in much the same way as the Logans.

The four not voted in are going to be housemates in the white room which might mean the housemates will be able to watch other housemates?

Big Brother tells everyone, but the couple, that they have a secret insider task to find out who the couple are, explicitly telling them that it's a couple they are seeking.

No one's particularly subtle about it but it helps that they are in the early days and can ask about relationships and crushes and things like that. Although any mention of boyfriend or girlfriend seems to make the whole house prick up their ears.

The show had a long segment focusing on a vulgar comment and the repercussions of it within the house, with an unofficial house rule to "walk away" if they don't like it (almost a sly turn the channel if it's offensive to you.)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Big Brother 2007 Day One

There's four secrets this year: no money for the housemates; we choose the last two of the original housemates; a secret, very-challenging room; and two existing relationships that one insider-type will be given the task of finding out.

House changes? The sauna's separate from the bathroom now, out in the backyard. Lots of recycled products used to make stuff, going with an environmental friendly approach. The house colours are a bit more muted, browns and blue.

The inclusion of a phone is interesting. The chill out room, for three people to have privacy (other than the window), looks a little silly. One big bedroom connected by a locked door and switchable glass to the rewards room.

First impressions of the housemates:
  • Hayley - I like her, she's got that nice-fitness-person attitude, that might get on HMs nerves
  • TJ - Shes a bit too young and spunky to last too long unless there's a romance
  • Rebecca - Our Mormon is our straightlaced girl which would put her up for nominations, but she might also fly under the radar
  • Kate - described as debater she's being positioning as someone who will argue, but I suspect she won't last that long
  • Emma - come across as one of the less-nice-fitness-person
  • Aleisha - the youngest so far shes got an innocence that might carry her through
  • Jamie - the nerdy guy could last a while but hes a bit too happy to be in there
  • Bodie - is like the opposite to Jamie, and reminds me of John from last year. Pretty but a bit up himself
  • Andrew - Firefighter is cuter because he seems more like a nice guy
  • Joel - way too full of himself, he's totally someone to go
  • Thomas - ok forget about those other two, he's gorgeous and so well presented. He might last a while
  • Travis - the most blokey of the guys so far and I don't like him much so far and suspect he'll be an alpha male

I think Emma and Rebecca might be one of the existing relationships, they looked very alike in the photos in the package.

Of the housemates to vote in, I think Zoran's very cute which is as good a reason as any to vote.

Big Brother 2006 Week Sixteen

Big Brother 2006 Week Fifteen

Big Brother 2006 Week Fourteen

Big Brother 2006 Week Thirteen

Big Brother 2006 Week Twelve

Big Brother 2006 Week Eleven

Big Brother 2006 Week Ten

Big Brother 2006 Week Nine

Big Brother 2006 Week Eight

Big Brother 2006 Week Seven

Big Brother 2006 Week Six

Big Brother 2006 Week Five

Big Brother 2006 Week Four

Big Brother 2006 Week Three

14 May 2006
While Michael sucks Ashley in with the story of his son, the rest of the house is preoccupied with Jaimie and Katie. Outside the house Katie says she's "I'm not very commitment person" but inside, as a joke she's getting married to Jaimie. She may get cold feet though, and if she does it looks like Anna is ready to move straight on in there. Jaimie and Katie have a conversation about it, but it's quite painful to watch. They can't have a "relationship relationship" says Jaimie but what does that mean asks Katie. Good point. Still they go through with a mock wedding, but will they consummate it? It will make good telly for the Adults Only show if they do!

13 May 2006
In last night's office games, Michael was the ultimate winner, taking runner up Ashley into the rewards room with him. Poor Claire though didn't get to play thanks to the odd numbers. When the housemates pair up at the beginning she's the one who has no one standing beside her. She gets sent back to the house where she has to sit on a chair alone until the games are over. In the second round the housemates, in large office worker suits, get tied together in their teams of four and have to make it through a course. The result is of course hilarious. The third round was a poor idea, with the housemates having to sell products to the eliminated housemates who then score it. So really it comes down to who they like more and who they want to win.

12 May 2006
The team easily win the dam task, with plenty of water still in the task. Overnight though while the guys are the guys are minding it, Gaelan, Dino and Jaimie make fun of the girls and Michael. Michael gets a reward of chocolate biscuits but he has to eat them all in the house without getting caught. He goes outside, telling the housemates that he needs some time alone, and scoffs them down. The other housemates find his behaviour odd, particularly Dino. Krystal blames it on him finding out about her and her mum. Michael finally comes out with his story, telling David about his eight year old son Reuben who may not actually be his son thanks to a recent paternity test. David buys it completely.

11 May 2006
Camilla and Anna are up early holding the leaking water at bay and Anna's ready to give up after ten minutes. As the day progresses the housemates keep those at the tank company. Talk goes to who the housemates find attractive physically and emotionally. These leads to comments about Karen and David who are perceived as arrogant and think they are too mature to join in the fun with the rest of them. Claire gives more weight to the idea that Gaelan is actually more likable then comes through on the show. Michael decides that he can get nominated if he convinces the others that he wants to leave. He brings it up at the family dinner, claiming that there was some family issues before he came into the house. The others don't press him on details but it seems to work, except on Jaimie who sees right through it. He doesn't see it as an insider task, but has doubts about the authenticity of it all. He's brighter than he looks.

10 May 2006
David's given the odd task of telling the housemates that they have to collect every rubber duck from the house and that they can not sit or lay down until further notice. Karen's sent to the punishment room for sitting down during the collection and has to stare at a dot until further notice. She struggles losing $10,000 in seconds but then manages to stick it out for ten minutes. The ducks are put into a tank for the new challenge which involves them keeping the water from getting out by daming the holes.

For failing the task last week insider Michael is given the reward of special food. He gets five minutes to dine on pasta, bread, deserts and beer, but being minutes out of bed he's not quite ready for. Meanwhile this is contrasted by the housemates talking about wanting food, and Katie noticing the smell of food 'just like the rewards room' near the bedroom.

9 May 2006
When Ashley loses the house their dinner by tasting it which prompts Camilla to lead the housemates in protest to Big Brother, but it falls on deaf ears. Dino and Michael are getting to the girls. Perhaps in order to gain some power the girls realise they need to take down the two alpha males down a peg? Michael proves to be too tough an opponent for Krystal to argue with. Dino, worried or paranoid, confronts, in his laid back manner, the girls about the Friday games. It's not quite the huge war the ads suggest, but it gets more intense when Michael joins in. It will probably work to his advantage given his new insider task of getting himself nominated.

8 May 2006
The aftermath of the eviction of Elise and Tilli is interesting. The girls seemed to be worried about being outnumbered. Given that a week ago they were in the same situation, with two girls gone forever as far as they knew, this is odd that it's a worry. Unless, of course, last week it was an issue. If it was it never came through in the daily shows.

Big Brother 2006 Week Two

7 May 2006
Dino and Claire bond by being in the rewards room and bathing together. Dino doesn't think she's as stuck up or as dorky as he initially suspected. Ashley flat out doesn't find her attractive at all. Meanwhile Dino is the talk of other people too, both David and Karen very unhappy with how aggressive he was in the games. When Michael hears this he runs to Dino to tell him. Somehow, despite being very laid back Dino has become the alpha male in the house, and Michael is clearly trying to keep his favour. With David gay, Gaelen the funny one (so say the evictees), Jaimie caught up with Katie, Michael busy being a mole, and the others just boys, the role was his to grab, but does he realise he rules the roost?

Michael and Elyse talk about what they wanted to get out of the house, and for Michael that included a girlfriend. While he's succeeded this week as the Insider, his antics as such are hurting any chances with the ladies. The girls already think he's a player for being the age he is and not having long term relationship. A short term relationship was the friendship between Anna and Camilla. Since coming back from the Rewards Room the two have quickly become unfriendly again with a big argument over fines. Meanwhile Katie doesn't think anything will last with Jaimie as she thinks he has eyes for other girls in the house.

Fines are no laughing matter for Big Brother, the house has lost $300,000 so far. The punishment room has been revealed and Michael is the first to be sent there. He's given an Amazing Race style task, sorting 10,000 pins and needles into 5,000 pins and 5,000 needles. He's determined it's not going to break him though.

6 May 2006
Down on the farm his week for the Friday games. Instead of going straight in to teams the HMs play a musical chairs type game where the person who doesn't get one of hidden items goes out. They then get to divide into teams based on their own choice and play as normal. It gets down to the final two chasing a remote control chicken and Dino takes it out over Claire, but takes the loser with him into the reward room.

5 May 2006
Ashley gets punished to stand for three hours for derogatory comments towards Big Brother. Katie and Jamie are getting pretty close which is a focus of today's installment. They are the first couple this year but will they be the last? Jamie is annoyed by the unintelligence displayed by Ashley. Michael tries more sabotage, destroying some balloons, but he's taking an awful long time in there. The others are seeing that he's dodgy.

4 May 2006
Dino observes that WW3 in BB6 has begun, with Camilla and Anna on one side and Tilli and Krystal on the other. Katie falls into the former camp and Karen follows her daughter in the second. Claire's worried she falls somewhere between the cracks. The fight really is between Anna and Krystal and then sort of separately Tilli and Camilla. Elise is nowhere to be seen. The girls try to make up after the family dinner, but it seems forced smiles and face saving.

While Ashley and Jaimie discuss the latter's kiss with Katie, Katie discusses it with Anna. Both are unsure what to do next, but it's going to get weird. Katie's not even sure if she wants to share the bed with him anymore.

3 May 2006
Michael stays up late in the morning to sabotage the task. But this works against him because when the damaged umbrella is found Dino is quick to recognise him as the most likely culprit. Michael's still in bed having had such a late night and when pushed about it he's very defensive.

The girls in the revenge room get the housemates up very early for an all in effort in the week's clowning task. For John's 21st BB throws him a Brazilian themed party complete with a special present: the return of Anna and Camilla. Krystal and especially Tilli aren't impressed. The guys don't seem all that phased in comparison, but Tilli has the claws out.

Jamie and Katie become the first to passionately kiss in the house.

2 May 2006
Tilly gets her tearful outburst out of the way after comments about her and David were acting are made by Camilla and Karen.

Michael guesses the relationship wrongly, Gaelan and Anna aren't the two. When Krytsal reveals that Karen is her mum the house is in roars of surprise, except Michael who is completely quiet and looks shocked and upset. This lasts a minute or two before he puts a face on and starts being loud. Is it because of he failed the task and is up for eviction... or because of the feelings happening between them?

Asked to vote for the most annoying housemates, David shatters my hopes by voting for Dino because of his homophobic attitudes. Anna and Camilla are given the boot but end up in the Revenge Room. They have to cause as much havoc as possible in the house by taking their revenge on the housemates that voted them out

Re-entering the house while all housemates are called to the diary room, they sneak in, take toilet paper and put itching powder in the beds but it goes pretty much unnoticed.

1 May 2006
Dino is punished for talking without his microphone by sorting out 500 nuts and bolts. Despite this they keep playing a game of dares. John now dares Dino to call Dani 'Pumpkin' all day. Good example of how the housemates entertain themselves in the house. The girls decide to pay them back by stealing all their doonas and blankets. Gaelan, John and Jaimie get in trouble when they enter the girl's bedroom to get them back, breeching the rules of the week's task. Surprisingly the housemates are told that it's a double eviction and that the viewers have chosen who they think is under the radar increasing the number of housemates up this week.

Big Brother 2006 Week One

30 April 2006
Activities following the games focus on the ongoing dramas. Tilli seems to be moving on David, despite his sexuality, causing friction with Camilla who's jealous. She's has put too much time in with David and it appears to have been a bad move. Michael and Krystal continue to flirt, and with some bed swapping they end up in bed together. Karen gets to look on motherly. To finish the week's task the housemates answer questions about each other, with most taking the third question, worth more points but with the risk of being shocked for getting it wrong. The chores, assigned by Gaelan, prove to be a bit of an issue when Camilla tries to clear the dinner plates but is told off by Anna. Anna then runs into conflict with the rest of the housemates over wanting oats for breakfast.

29 April 2006
Because of the odd numbers, Camilla doesn't get picked for a team and is given a direct pass to the second round. Krystal and Karen are team captains because they were the first two out of bed. The theme this week is Cavemen and the housemates get to bash each other with clubs, drive around in a Flintstones type car, and throw spears at Ashley's bum, and then in the final round Gaelan and Katie had to knock the head off each other's hat with a big stick. Katie gets the first blow in but Gaelan wins and takes his opponent into the Rewards Room.

28 April 2006
Karen's photos are still missing from last night and they've narrowed it down to the people who went to the toilet during dinner, which includes Michael. Will they realise it's a mole?

Dino thinks that Gaelan and Tilli have a good chance at winning. I realise I don't know who Tilli is! I may have at times got her confused with Claire. The lineup task has actually had an immediate result today with the five lined up as the most lazy (Jaimie, John, Elise, Camilla, and Katie) given the task to clean the house.

The housemates, well at least Michael and Dino, are getting a bit annoyed with Camilla which could hurt her in the coming housemate eviction. Ash meanwhile is impressing on the BBQ which will help him.

Elise feels overwhelmed about not fitting in or being able to be herself, and is the first to really crack it in this house this year.

Babies are created by combining features of housemates and they then need to guess who the parents are. Part of this is to give a clue to the Krystal and Karen combination, but no one clues into it.

Tilli takes advantage of David by giving him a kiss, but then gets worries she's upset Camilla.

Katie and Jaimie get close to nomination talk, even realising that they probably shouldn't be. Katie shows great intuition by picking Michael as a mole, something that Jaimie agrees with once it's pointed out.

27 April 2006
Last night there were tears, there were hugs, and there was yelling at the TV to get off the dialup competitions: the answer's DAILY, we get it, now get back to the housemates. David has come out in what was apparently the 'best coming out speech ever'. They didn't replay it, but it may feature in today's daily show, or be transcribed somewhere on the blogosphere. It's seems to have had a pretty typical reaction: the girls are all over him with questions, the guys have not much more than a word or two to say. Jaimie scores some respect by being the only guy I saw with anything intelligent to say on it and being the least obviously phased by it of all the male housemates. Camila is shaken by it, but is very understanding and is doing a lot of talking with him. David explains he's doing it for all the gay country boys, and especially those who can't live with it. He even, in a very gutsy move, admits he has been in a position of not wanting to live with it. David opens up about who he fancies in the house (the dark haired boys basically) and shows his previously hidden photos to the girls. He describes how hard it was for him not being able to join in conversations because he was trying to keep a secret. It's the best up-late since Merlin fought Paul two years ago, and it's also great television for breaking down boundaries and misconceptions and showing. Unfortunately it's all happening late at night when few are watching. More people need to see what coming out is like and I hope they get the chance. Go David!

26 April 2006
As I probably won't get to see today's episode of Big Brother until tomorrow, here's a more reflective post instead. So far not many of the housemates have been given a chance to make their impact. The producers are focusing on three/four main people who are closely related to the 'story' they want to tell, rather than giving us a look at the natural status of the household. We've see lots of Michael because he's the insider, lots of David because of the secret in his closest, and lots of Krystal/Karen as they hide their relationship. Almost everyone else has been shown in relation to these three plots or not at all, with the only real exception being Jaimie. People in the house seem to dislike Anna, but we've barely seen her. Dino, John and Ashley have made cameo appearances, Gaylen gets a bit more screen time but only because his bed was wet by the Insider. Camilla is being set up for rejection with David, which could make David seem cruel for leading her on. (Actually I wonder if David realises he's not in 'Playing it Straight'?). Claire got screen time for incorrectly picking the relationship, in turn giving Elise some presence, and I'm sure that bleached orange woman is in there too somewhere. She'd be hard to miss since she probably glows in the dark. Hopefully the series will progress past these pre-planned storylines and be allowed to develop more organically and let us see more of the other housemates.

Update: I just received my Big Brother update email which leads with a story about the David being openly gay but in the closet in the house. No surprise that he's gay given the picture in DNA magazine circulating the web, nor given the 'I'm hiding a secret' discussion he had with Big Brother yesterday, and did you notice that in his introduction video on Sunday he didn't specify what sex his partner should be? What this email has me thinking is though that the daily show producers thought that being explicit about what the secret was, was inappropriate for the 7:00 timeslot. What!?! The show's had openly gay men and bisexual women on it before and I don't recall that only being mentioned in the later shows. The tagline "some of the housemates share the same secret" leads me to believe that there's at least a few other closest cases to be found, but would they really go so far as to avoid mentioning sexuality?

25 April 2006
Michael is assigned the role of the insider by the viewers. He can't really refuse though because he'll be evicted if he does. His first task is to pour water into two fellow housemate's bed. He get this half right, not emptying the bottle and choosing the only bed in the house (Gaylen's) that only has one person sleeping in it. He does better on his broader mission of trying to find out the relationship, getting closer than he realises by discussing it with Krystal. Michael then tries to get some opinions from David, who has his own thing to hide. David quotes the Transformers theme song which I give him points for. There's in show reference to him having a secret yet to reveal, "it's huge". He feels close to Camilla, his bedmate, but she likes him too bit more than he can reciprocate. She's all touchy-feely but may get hurt when David's secret comes out.

24 April 2006
David's modelling comes out (and according to the Herald Sun there's something else that needs to come out about David) and all the girls agree that he's really pretty, including Camilla whose hand gets up close and personal with his inner thigh. Jaime is getting off to a bad start getting fines for talking without his microphone and joking about the rules. In the diary room he tells BB about the girls he was just talking with, and is fond of Krystal (although he doesn't know her name), but thinks Anna is very superficial. Or as he describes later "sexy but unattractive" a thought that John agrees on.

Karen seems more like the daughter when Krystal asks her to eat some breakfast but they are so far keeping it "mum".

David's the first up on the first morning by far and spends almost two hours forlornly waiting for someone else to get out of bed. Anna is the first to do so. In the diary room, Claire seems quite ocker as she voices her theory that Michael and Elise are a couple. She also discusses her evidence more clearly with John and has a convincing case actually.

In discussion with Karen, David's very obviously playing the pronoun game and his secret photo of two men on horseback makes it glaring. I wonder how they plan to reveal this?

23 April 2006
The new housemates have entered the house for the sixth series of Big Brother.
  • Michael, comes across as gay, given his comments about women, and he's very polished and muscular, but he cheats on women, cocky
  • Camilla things she's loud and messy and a chronic cheater
  • Gaelan, he thinks he's sexy but there's something were off putting about him, very overtanned orange. His idol's Beckham and I can see
  • Oh but then wew Katie, whose bleached blond hair shows off her extra orange skankiness
  • Hippy Karen is the oldest of the housemates but I don't think she's motherly enough for the others to want to keep her in there.
  • David, is one hell of a hot farmer (unlike Glen or Marty) I wonder if country bumpkin will appear
  • Tilli, another ballerina, infectious but I wonder is she'll fall to trap of BB's first one?
  • Dino is so my type it's not funny so he's won me over already
  • John puts too much time into his hair and has an off-putting swarmy attitude and confidence
  • Anna comes across as the nicest, despite her looks she doesn't seem too full of herself
  • Ashley, ah here's the yobbo, the V8 loving ten pin bowling, tough guy
  • Elise, ambitious, but as an only child may have trouble in the house
  • Claire the straight edge, netballer cat handler, will she open up in the house?
  • Krystal favourite feature is her new boobs and she wants to get in to tv and movies, please
  • Jamie, big and muscular, but bored with him already
One of the twists this year is that Krystal and Karen are mother and daughter. They have to keep it secret for a week like the Logans did last year. Karen stands out though as she's much older than everyone else in the house. The fact they both had their boobs done eight months ago is a little obvious. The other twist is that one of the housemates will be an insider (read Mole) for Big Brother and we get to choose who that will be. I'd vote David just as being the insider might help him stay in longer, and I already don't like Michael or Camilla.