Friday, January 12, 2007

Big Brother 2005 Week Three

23 May 2005
David is being a bit mean. The scene of the boys making fun of Gianna was mean-hearted. The strike to Kate and Angela over their discussion seems a little unfair. It wasn't really nomination talk except at a big stretch. Angela was funny on the nominations show and it's a loss to have her out of the house in my opinion.

24 May 2005

Geneva's mucked up with the shopping task, leaving a bag of shopping behind and isn't she paying for it? Gianna's apologising to other housemates for choosing her at all. I am liking the supermarket sweep shopping style though. Gianna has also taken her nomination badly but the other housemates really aren't all that sympathetic to her.

25 May 2005
Tonight was the Tim vs Christie show. The honeymoon period is over and Tim's not taking any more jokes on him. Christie's upset because he went off at her overnight, but the others are all on his side and can see it was "like the straw that broke the camel's back". They had a tearing discussion at night time and all seems resolved. Meanwhile the new challenge, a I Love Lucy-style conveyor belt is rather fun although I can't see them passing it with how many breakages they are making so far.

26 May 2005
It's all about the love connection tonight. This is reality TV at it's most soap-like. 'Shearer' seems to pretty popular with the ladies. Logan got to have an argument in the diary room, apparently they haven't lived together since boarding school. Greg and Christie were talking about who was attracted to who, and Christie said she liked him, he said me but at the same time rubbed his eyes furiously making him look like he was lying.

27 May 2005
The conveyor belt task is over and it turns out that punctuality was more important than collecting everything off the belts (they failed anyway). That makes more sense because it was just too fast for anyone to actually be collect everything and looked like it was more about creating slapstick comedy.

28 May 2005
Last night's challenge wasn't as captivating as the past two. I thought it odd to split it up between the girls and the boys. Obviously boys might be faster than girls but usually events are between teams. This running race really was an individual challenge right from the start. It was good to see a girl win and for another two new people to go into the reward room. Both Michelle and Kate look quite thrilled to be in there, and the sponsors must be thrilled Kate read out the titles of all the DVDs they have available to watch.

29 May 2005
Christie got off her face after the Friday night events, so much so that Big Brother locked her in the air lock for her own safety. That's a first. I was a little surprised they showed so much of it in the daily show. Then in the live show It was time to go Gianna. Not really that surprising given the amount of focus on her in the past few weeks. I don't like the look of the two new bimbos they're setting up as intruders.

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