Friday, January 12, 2007

Big Brother 2005 Week Two

16 May 2005
The show's going on a bit tonight and it's all very confusing. Well nominations are pretty much the same as always, but as winner of the Friday night games Glen gets to change it all by taking three points off others. The housemates have also been given the opportunity to vote for people going under the radar, presumably to prevent people like Ben, Pete and Trevor from winning. Geneva, Tim and Angela are up. I like Geneva and Angela so I guess it's time to vote for Tim. First though we have to vote out one of the half-evicted people from yesterday. That's in tomorrow's live show.

17 May 2005
Out go Constance and Nelson. Nelson looked quite upset by it all on Rove. Surely it couldn't have just been because he didn't get the goodies? He was pretty convinced he was going to get them when he sat on the couch with Gretel. Meanwhile Constance, despite having a spunky boyfriend, was revealing too much of a foul mouth on live TV. Dean's not too impressed to be up for eviction this week as well, insisting that he didn't lie and countering Big Brother's claims. It wouldn't be fair for him not to have been nominated too. It makes the decision on who to vote for easier. In the daily show we got some bitching going on around the house after nominations and some tears after the return of the temporarily evicted housemates. I thought Angela caved into Michelle's tears too early, first she's saying the equivalent of I don't like you, then it's well actually I like you but others have been saying this and that.

20 May 2005
The task is a big deal tonight. In the past couple of series weekly tasks sometimes disappear into the background in some weeks. The first task was barely seen. Tonight though there was a segment devoted to showing them finishing off their perfect housemate 'Jesse'. Logan (Greg) is questioned about his sexuality. This follows Logan (David) telling saying he was gay quite offhand and then some brainstorming by Christie and Geneva. He bluffs his way through without actually saying yes or no. Hmm, could the rumours be true?

21 May 2005
Last night's challenge was interesting mostly for the reveal of the bowling alley next to the diary room. It's been sealed up now though but I'd think they'll get it back eventually. The challenges still feel like something out of Survivor, complete with half of Logan having to sit out to make the teams even. As winner Gianna's taken Christie in with her to enjoy the goodies and I reckon they'll hang in there more than the boys did. They were in there during Up Late this morning while the others were hanging around outside.

22 May 2005
So Gianna wasn't popular in high school and is finding that the house is a little like high school and Christie is advising her to talk to David. In reverse she's telling Christie that Greg like her. Hey they got the blowing alley back to play with as party of their party. David dropped a bombshell to the others, saying he's not interested in her that much at all. Bastard! They finally get to talk at 4.30 in the morning and David lets her down as gently as he can, but not with much subtlety. I haven't voted this week and now that Angela's gone I'm kicking myself. Dean had to go! Not her. So now I really have to vote each week!

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